Quality & Accreditation

"Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skilful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives"

William A. Foster

Our Food Safety & Quality Policy

The process of manufacturing to consistently produce quality and safe products at all stages of production and ensure that the products such as Sweetened Condensed Milk Malaysia by Able Dairies are delivered to customers are safe
The process of manufacturing to consistently produce quality and safe products at all stages of production and ensure that the products such as Sweetened Condensed Milk Malaysia by Able Dairies are delivered to customers are safe
The process of manufacturing to consistently produce quality and safe products at all stages of production and ensure that the products such as Sweetened Condensed Milk Malaysia are delivered to customers are safe
The process of manufacturing to consistently produce quality and safe products at all stages of production and ensure that the products such as Sweetened Condensed Milk Malaysia are delivered to customers are safe

At Able we strive to not just offer quality but rather instil the concept of Quality into the fabric of our corporate culture. Across the board we believe that Quality is everyone’s responsibility”. All at ABLE must feel ownership and accept accountability towards achievement of goals and aspirations of the company pertaining to Quality.

  • Consistently produce quality and safe products at all stages of production and ensure that the products delivered to customers are safe for intended use and free from chemical, biological and physical contamination.
  • Consistently meeting customer’s requirements in terms of quality, safety, security and timely traceability with the implementation of FSSC 22000 & MS 1480:2007
  • Consistently reviewing and improving our Food Safety Management System to ensure compliance with FSSC 22000 & MS 1480:2007, statutory & regulatory requirements.
  • Communicate with supplier / contractor on food safety and quality requirement;

Our Quality Accreditations

FSSC 22000

FSSC 22000 certification logo, showing that Able Dairies Sweetened Condensed Milk Malaysia is certified for high standards of food safety and quality.
FSSC 22000 demonstrates due diligence in food safety for regulators, clients and consumers. The FSSC 22000 food safety scheme is an independent, ISO-based safety standard that promotes transparency throughout your food supply chain. It is based on the ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System standard. The ISO-based FSSC 22000 certification allows for a seamless integration of key management systems standards such as ISO 9001 (Quality Management), ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety), and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management).

Veterinary Health Mark (VHM)

Veterinary Inspected Malaysia certification logo, ensuring Able Dairies Sweetened Condensed Milk Malaysia meets veterinary standards for safety.
Veterinary Health Mark is a symbol of quality awarded to processing plants livestock under Veterinary Inspection and Accreditation Program of the Department of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture Malaysia. The logo also indicates that plants had to embrace fully Requirements Minimum Standards “Hygiene and Sanitation”, “Quality Assurance and Food Safety” established by VSD and assured through the inspection process plant with an emphasis on “Food Safety and Quality System” and “Good Manufacturing Practice Programs”. Plants that have been accredited and awarded the VHM Logo are allowed to print the logo on the label or packaging of products which registered only to get and create customer confidence in product safety and serve as a marketing tool. Many other benefits can be obtained under this accreditation program. At the departmental level, the application of veterinary certificates (Veterinary Certificates) by manufacturers to export livestock products can be processed immediately.

Food and Drug Administration USA

FDA certification logo, indicating Able Dairies Sweetened Condensed Milk Malaysia is approved for safety and quality by the Food and Drug Administration.
The FDA, or the Food and Drug Administration, is the government agency in the United States responsible for protecting the public health. The FDA regulates a variety of consumer products, including food, medications, vaccines, medical devices, electronics that emit radiation, cosmetics, veterinary products, and tobacco. The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices; and by ensuring the safety of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.

HALAL - Department of Islamic Development Malaysia ( JAKIM )

our products

MS 1500:2009
Certificate of Authentication

HALAL – JAKIM – Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) is the agency responsible for the Islamic affairs including halal certification in Malaysia. Therefore, JAKIM plays very important role to protect Muslim consumers in Malaysia and it is always been JAKIM’s responsibility to assure them to seek for halal products as urged by Shariah. For the purpose of halal certification, JAKIM has to ascertain the halal status of the product at every stage and at every process involved by carrying out an official site inspection on the plants purposely to examine on how the halal status of the raw material is maintained and monitored at all times.

Ministry Of Health ( MOH ) Malaysia

The recognition of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) was created to give official recognition to industries that achieve the practice of HACCP elements while meeting the requirements of food safety and consumer needs. Beginning on 19 April 2001, the HACCP Certification Scheme was officially launched and the objective of this Scheme is to provide official recognition to food premises that successfully adopt and maintain the HACCP system for their food products.
Recognition of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) was created to give official recognition to industries that achieve GMP elements while meeting food safety requirements and consumer needs. GMP Certification Scheme has been launched to give official recognition to food premises that successfully adopt and maintain the system GMP in food premises. The certification process involves audit of adequacy, compliance and monitoring by auditors appointed by the Food Safety and Quality Division (BKKM). The objective of this GMP Certification Scheme is to give official recognition to food premises that have successfully implemented and practiced all the criteria of the GMP certification scheme.
The Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) has introduced a scheme that is easy to obtain and meets the minimum requirements provided in PPKM 2009 which is the Industrial Responsibility Safe Food Certification Scheme (MeSTI). The MeSTI Certification Scheme is a rebranded scheme to replace the 1Malaysia Food Safety Scheme (SK1M). Through MeSTI certification, food manufacturing premises will be guided in developing and implementing the Food Safety Assurance Program (PJKM) before recognition is given.


Halal Indonesia logo, certifying Sweetened Condensed Milk Malaysia by Able Dairies complies with Indonesian halal standards.
The Indonesian Council of Ulama

In Indonesia , the Halal Product Assurance Law No. 33 Year 2014 (UU 33/2014) was passed in October 2014. It requires all products imported, distributed and sold as Halal in Indonesia to be Halal certified, and entered into effect 5 years from its original enactment i.e. on October 17, 2019. Subsequent regulations including Government Regulation No. 31 Year 2019 (GR 31/2019) and Ministry of Religious Affairs Regulation No. 26 Year 2019 (MORA Reg 26/2019) set out the implementing regulations for Halal product assurance and facilitation of the Halal quality regime.

Under the new regime, the Indonesian government established the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (or BPJPH) to oversee the entire Halal product assurance system (JPH to use the Indonesian abbreviation), including the registration of LPH for the inspection and/or testing of the Halal product quality. BPJPH relies on MUI for the certification of Halal auditors, determination of Halal product quality, and accreditation of LPH with MUI responsible for holding Fatwa Assemblies as before.

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