Lifestage Wellness & Nutrition Products

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patients in care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” – Thomas Edison

In the quest for meaningful living, health is paramount and good nutrition is the way to achieve life long wellness. To fulfil our commitment of delivering complete dairy nutrition for all stages of life, we offer nutritional and targeted dairy solutions to positively influence health and foster wellness from infancy to old age.

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Dairy Products for All Lifestages - A baby wrapped in a light blue blanket lies on a fluffy, circular, white rug against a light blue background. The logo 'ABLE-LAC' appears beneath the baby, emphasizing Able Dairies' commitment to producing high-quality dairy products for infant nutrition.

Breast feeding in infant nutrition is the ultimate gold standard and breast milk is the best nutritional choice for infants. However, breastfeeding may not be possible for all women due to specific medical conditions, comfort levels or simply convenience.

The decision to breast feed or formula feed is a personal one and our infant range provides an healthy alternative to mothers. Sourced from pristine origins and manufactured under sterile conditions, our infant formulas provide babies the nutrition they need for growth and development and even contain some vitamins and nutrients that breastfed babies need to get from supplements.

Dairy Products for All Lifestages - Six children joyfully jumping on a grassy hill under a bright blue sky, wearing colorful shirts and shorts. The image is branded with the 'ABLE-KIDS' logo at the bottom, symbolizing Able Dairies' commitment to producing wellness and nutrition-focused dairy products for children's healthy growth and well-being.

Growing children have specific nutritional requirements and the challenge of providing optimal young child nutrition is complex and it is important to introduce nutritious complementary food to their diets.

Growing-up milks fortified with additional nutrients, vitamins and minerals can be part of a child’s balanced diet to provide important nourishment when nutrient intake is sub-optimal. They support balanced nutrition in children and their long-term physical and mental development.

Healthy nutrition for mothers as well as expecting mothers is often ignored, however the importance and effect of mother’s nourishments on the child’s health is immense. Optimum nutrition in early life is the foundation for long-term health and it all starts from the nutrition that comes from the expectant mother.

Under nutrition as well as malnutrition is widely prevalent among women, even in developed countries. Our Maternal and lactating formulas are designed to provide optimal nutrition to women from all walks of life.

Want to know more about the product specifications we offer? Get in touch at and we shall be glad to serve you.

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Able Lac Stage 1

Available Formats & Sizes

Single Serve Soft Pack Bag in Box (BIB) Tin Can
10gm  30gm 200gm  2.5kg 200gm  500gm 400gm 900gm 1.8kg 2.25kg 2.5kg

Able Lac Stage 2

Available Formats & Sizes

Single Serve Soft Pack Bag in Box (BIB) Tin Can
10gm  30gm 200gm  2.5kg 200gm  500gm 400gm 900gm 1.8kg 2.25kg 2.5kg

Able Lac Stage 3

Available Formats & Sizes

Single Serve Soft Pack Bag in Box (BIB) Tin Can
10gm 30gm 200gm 2.5kg 200gm 500gm 400gm 900gm 1.8kg 2.25kg 2.5kg

Growing Up Kids

Available Formats & Sizes

Single Serve Soft Pack Bag in Box (BIB) Tin Can

Maternal Nutrition

Available Formats & Sizes

Single Serve Soft Pack Bag in Box (BIB) Tin Can
10gm  30gm 200gm  2.5kg 200gm  500gm 400gm 900gm 1.8kg 2.25kg 2.5kg

Adult & Seniors Nutrition

Available Formats & Sizes

Single Serve Soft Pack Bag in Box (BIB) Tin Can
200gm  500gm 400gm